Gluten Free Almond and Apple Tart

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This is one of my absolute favorite recipes that I make, but I only make it a few times a year and typically just for special occasions. From what I recall, the history of the recipe goes like this; I found a recipe for an almond frangipane type filling that was vegan, found a gluten free pie crust recipe I liked but had to tweak, decided on apples instead of pears to top it (personal preference), decided to go with cinnamon sugar as a topping instead of apricot glaze (also a personal preference thing), then had to figure out the best way to make it. So after a few tries, I think I worked out all the kinks. At this point, I couldn’t even tell you where some of the things originated, what I changed, how much I changed, etc. Long story short, I claim this as my own creation even though every component started out somewhere else.

As with most pie recipes, you really should parbake the empty crust before filling it and baking it the rest of the way. That way you won’t end up with the dreaded soggy bottom, and if you do it with the crust filled, you won’t have any unsightly air bubbles in the crust. “But I don’t have pie weights!” you say. There is a cheaper and easier way. Beans. Beans? Beans!

Dried beans. Whatever is cheap and small. I bought a couple of bags years ago just for this purpose. Line the pie or tart crust with parchment paper (I just reuse one of the pieces that I use for rolling out the crust), fill it with the dried beans, blind bake, remove the beans for future use and continue baking. Same concept as pie weights but a fraction of the cost.

As for the apples, get as creative as you want with the layout. I just do a spiral, starting in the center and working my way out to the edge, then always say, “I should have started on the outside and worked my way towards the middle. That would probably look better. I’ll have to remember that for next time.” Then I start in the center the next time.

The only way to tell if this is done is if the filling starts to set up (it will jiggle a bit when you shake it, but should not be wet and liquidy) and the apples spring back up when you gently press down on them. If you’re not sure, go by the color of the crust. If it’s a golden brown, take it out! Having a really firm filling but with a super dry and hard crust is not good. I speak from experience on this. Let this cool completely before depanning and chill it if you can before slicing into it to be sure the filling is fully set up.

And that’s it! Which sounds easy. And this really doesn’t have to be if you are prepared. Make the crust, mix the filling while it’s chilling, roll out and parbake the crust, make the cinnamon sugar, slice up the apple, assemble and bake. Having a gameplan in mind with any more complex dessert like this will be a lifesaver.

Gluten Free Almond and Apple Tart
A vegan take on almond frangipane fills this tart which is then topped with sliced apples and cinnamon sugar to create a delicious and fancy dessert that is sure to impress. 
Course Dessert



  • 1/2 cup brown rice flour 79 grams
  • 6 tbsp white rice flour 60 grams
  • 1/2 cup tapioca starch 60 grams
  • 3/4 tsp xanthan gum
  • 1/4 tsp baking powder
  • 1.5 tbsp sugar
  • 5 tbsp non-dairy butter, cold and chopped
  • 6 tbsp water

Almond Filling

  • 6 tbsp non-dairy butter, cold and chopped
  • 2/3 cup sugar
  • 1.5 cups almond flour 5 ounces
  • 2 tbsp corn starch
  • pinch salt
  • 1/4 tsp cinnamon
  • 2/3 cup non-dairy milk
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/2 tsp almond extract


  • 1 apple, peeled and thinly sliced
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 4 tsp sugar


  • In a large mixing bowl, combine all of the crust ingredients except for the butter and water. Whisk together until combined. Cut in the butter until it’s the size of small pebbles. Stir in the water and mix until it comes together into a dough. Once it starts to come together, it might be easier to mix the rest of the way with your hands. Flatten into a disk, wrap in plastic or parchment and refrigerate. 
  • Preheat oven to 350°. In the same mixing bowl (which you have wiped out), combine the sugar, almond flour, corn starch, salt and cinnamon. Cut in the butter until it is the size of small pebbles. Add milk and extracts and stir until it forms a batter.
  • Roll out crust between two sheets of parchment. Place into non-stick tart pan, pressing into place to fill in corners and sides. Line with parchment, fill with pie weights or dry beans and bake for 5 minutes. Remove from oven, let cool slightly before removing paper and weights. 
  • Peel and slice apple. Combine cinnamon and sugar. Pour filling into crust. Arrange apple slices on top. Sprinkle with cinnamon sugar. Bake for 40-45 minutes, until filling is no longer wet and apples spring back when gently pressed down. Let cool completely and refrigerate before slicing into. 

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