I think it’s important I explain the how and why of some of the things I do, since I know my approach to vegan and gluten free baking doesn’t always line up with some other bakers. I think it’s a combination of my background (I have a degree in baking and pastry), my experience (I have worked in a wide variety of baking jobs in a relatively short period of time) and my own personal preferences (which I will touch on below). I will update this page as more things pop up. So feel free to message me on Instagram, post a comment here, email me, etc.

Why don’t you use an all purpose/cup for cup gluten free flour blend?

Would you only wear one size fits all clothing? Of course not. I don’t think there is one flour blend that works for all types of gluten free baked goods. If you have one you like, then by all means, use it! Just make sure to read the label because if it has a binder (xanthan gum or guar gum, most likely) you will have to omit the one listed in my recipe (xanthan or psyllium, most likely). But I developed all my recipes with the flours listed, so I can’t guarantee your results if you do use an all purpose blend. Some of the recipes I will be posting do not even require a binder, so having one already in your flour can give you an undesirable texture in the end.

What’s with the weights in grams next to the various flours in your recipes?

I have the weight of the flour listed in grams in case you want to weigh your ingredients. And you should! You will get more consistent results. Especially since grams are a smaller unit of measure than pounds and ounces. Baking is already like doing a chemistry experiment. Might as well do what you can to get it as exact as possible. Also, weights make it easier to increase or decrease a recipe however much you want.

So why don’t you have the weights for all of the ingredients?

Good question. Doing everything by weight is easier and faster when doing large batches. But for the typical size of a recipe at home, it creates more headaches than it’s worth. Here’s a perfect example: 1/8 of a teaspoon of baking soda is 0.6 grams. Not all scales do grams in less than full numbers (not even mine, but I bought the cheapest one that I knew was decent). And even if yours does, good luck scaling 0.6 grams exactly. Easier to grab your trusty old measuring spoons for some things than accidentally put double or triple the amount of an ingredient on top of your other dry ingredients and then try to scoop some out.

Why don’t you use ______ in any of your recipes?

If you don’t see something in any of my recipes, the most likely reason is I don’t like it. I feel like some things have overpowering flavors (millet flour, fava bean flour). Some ingredients (tree nut flours) I only like to use in things that normally have them or reasonably would. I have a fear, bordering on paranoia, of making something with almond flour where it’s not obvious and causing someone to have an allergic reaction.

Where is the recipe for (insert your favorite baked good here)?

I have a list of recipes that I’m working on that are in various stages. I won’t post anything that I feel less than 100% about. Feel free to message me with any requests, but I can’t guarantee if or when I’ll be able to do them. But rest assured, all the big ones are in the works.

When you say margarine, which one are you using?

I use the Earth Balance soy free sticks. There are some other alternatives on the market, but I have yet to try any of them. Earth Balance has been around the longest, is readily available and it works, so it’s what I’m used to. If you like another brand, let me know! I’m always open to trying new ingredients.

Can I use butter instead of margarine? How about real eggs instead of egg substitutes?

You could, but that’s all on you. I’ve been vegan since 2010 and don’t bake anything that is not vegan at home so haven’t tried any of my recipes those ways. But butter should work exactly the same and in the exact same quantities. Same with eggs.

You should post banner ads/have an Amazon affiliate page/whatever!

Right now, the goal of doing this site is to share my knowledge and get some things out into the world. Not saying I never will do any of those things, but baby steps.

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